The Gym Journal (Choose Your Color)

"What gets measured gets accomplished."  
If you aren't tracking your exercises, how do you know if you're really improving? 
If you don't keep up with your exercises, sets, and reps, how can you keep getting better? 
The Gym Journal is an easier way for you to track your workouts each day. 
Each workout, you put the date, your weight, and what you accomplished that day. 
After several months, you can go back and see what you have done to get where you are.  
If you are happy with the results, great, keep going at it and keep doing what you've been doing. 
If you're wanting different results, well you have the data written out over a period of days, weeks, and months to change your workout routine, your sets, and/or your repetitions.  
Most people go into exercise blindly and hope for results. 
Now, The Gym Journal allows you to create a plan to ensure you get the results you're after!


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