From Downs to Crowns (Softcover Book)

Many of you know, but a lot of you don't know my sister, Ashley Warren's story.

She was born on March 9, 1999 with Down Syndrome and multiple heart defects. It didn't look too good, honestly.

I was 9 when she was born and my brother Parker was about to turn 6.

Over the next several years, we experienced countless ups and downs as a family. To say it was a "Roller Coaster Ride" doesn't begin to scratch the surface.

Anyway, after hearing too many times, "If she survives the night..." we were usually just thankful for another day with her.

After expecting her to leave us before the age of 1, the fact that she is about to turn 20 years old is a testimony that God can do more than we could ever ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20).

I decided many years ago that there would come a day that I would perhaps write a book about her and share her story, especially her early years. Then when she was in middle school, she was crowned the 7th Grade Beauty Queen. That night I knew, I had my title for "someday" in the future: From Downs to Crowns.

Well the day has come to open up the doors for this book! It has been a long time coming, but I know for sure THIS is the right time.

Ashley and Mom have been having a blast with their people through their new business Hey Girl Designs! Your support has been incredible and it has given Ashley so much excitement!

If you have any questions or issues ordering, feel free to message me or email me at [email protected]!

Thanks for your support in this project,

Russ Warren

**Now available in increments of 1, 2, 5, or 10 copies! If you need more, let me know!**


50% Complete

Two Step

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