Climbing From Your Pit of Despair

Uncategorized May 21, 2020

At 13 years old, I was wallowing in my circumstances.

I had just been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.

I thought my life was over.

I thought my sports career was over before it had truly begun. 

I feared taking 8 shots per day for the rest of my life. 

I hated thinking about pricking my finger 8 times per day. 

I felt sorry for myself.

I had no clear picture for how my life was going to get much better.

My circumstances did not look good.

Well, I learned to live with the principle of VISION.

Learning to live in VISION over CIRCUMSTANCE helped me climb out of that pit of despair.

Now today, almost no matter what negative circumstances may occur around me, I don't lose hope. I keep the faith. I keep my eyes on the prize (THE VISION).

This simple shift in perspective has changed my life.

Interestingly, right now the vast majority of Americans are currently living in their COVID-19, fear-driven, media-frenzied, life-is-going-downhill CIRCUMSTANCE. 

You can probably relate, can't you?

Do the media reports cause you great fear and panic? 

Are the current circumstances causing you to worry and be anxious?

Good news, I have a book that I want to give you called 


Yep. I'm gonna give it to you. If you'll just help cover my shipping expense to get it to you from my publisher. 

I really believe the book can help anybody going through negative situations/circumstances.

But another thing I focus on in this book is the idea that this exact same principle is crucial for goal setting and dream chasing. Yep, living in vision is two-fold. It helps you overcome the negative circumstantial living, but it also helps you in your goal achievement. Because, you must have VISION if you want to achieve any goal. This is why this particular book is well-suited for both adults and teenagers. 

Anyway, click the link below and I'll get it to you ASAP! Or don't, and I won't! Either way...

I share in the book about THE GREATEST VISIONARY OF ALL TIME. (Jesus is is name)

Go. Be. Great.


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