There is a massive problem going on in our society.
A big part of the problem is most can't even see it happening.
You ready for the problem?
We spend our whole entire lives looking for acceptance in all the wrong places.
See, we look for acceptance from almost every direction, except one. This neglected angle is a massive angle. It's extremely important.
It's the INTERNAL COMPASS that the masses miss out on.
You can have 1 million likes on social media , but if YOU dislike/don't know who YOU are personally, that 1 dislike overrides any pride that the 1 million might have brought you.
It's why famous actors turn to addiction. They make everybody happy on screen and have all of the "worldly" success, but internally, they don't know who they are.
Now, I don't have life all figured out. I'm not at the level I want to be at. I still have a long way to go. I value followers just as much as anybody and I appreciate likes and comments on my posts just like you do. At the end of...
January 1...
Actually from Christmas Eve to January 1 is my favorite week of the year.
It's the perfect time to reflect on the previous year.
It's also the perfect time to plan for the upcoming year.
You get the point.
Most people don't reach their goals because they never set them.
They never set goals because they don't take advantage of the last week of the year to reflect and plan for the next year!
Don't let that be you!
Be Great!
50% Complete
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